Using Azure Blob Storage

Using Azure Blob Storage with MinIO Azure Gateway

Joaquín Menchaca (智裕)
5 min readSep 13, 2020


Azure like other cloud providers has support for an object store, called Azure Blob Storage. This solution is similar to S3 or GCS, but unfortunately, most applications out there will not have direct support for Azure Blob Storage.

We can get past this limitation using MinIO Azure Gateway, which will provide an S3 interface for the Azure Blob Storage.

This tutorial will walk you through how to create an Azure Blob Storage, and then use Docker-Compose to run a MinIO Azure Gateway with some sort of client to access our system.

The Tools

These are the tools required to fully use this tutorial:

Creating Azure Blob Storage

Creating object storage on Azure will involve the following steps:

  • resource group: container to hold related resources
  • storage account: container for Azure storage objects (names must be globally unique)
  • authorize access: authorize with SAS or Azure Active Directory.
  • container : contains properties, metadata, and zero or more blogs.
  • blob: any single entity comprised of binary data, properties, and metadata.

The Script

Below is a script that will create the required components, and grant access to your current signed-in account access to the newly created storage account. Download the script below as

To use this script you can run the following:

export MY_RESOURCE_GROUP=my-superfun-resources
export MY_LOCATION=eastus2
export MY_STORAGE_ACCT=my0new0unique0storage
export MY_CONTAINER_NAME=storage-blob-test

Chose variable names that make sense to you. The one that you need to pay most attention is the storage account name (MY_STORAGE_ACCT), which has to be unique globally.

Upload a File

Create a file and upload it:

touch helloworldaz storage blob upload \
--account-name ${MY_STORAGE_ACCT} \
--container-name ${MY_CONTAINER_NAME} \
--name helloworld \
--file helloworld \
--auth-mode login

Feel free to upload other files to make this more interesting.

Check the Results

Now we can verify that the file(s) exists:

az storage blob list \
--account-name ${MY_STORAGE_ACCT} \
--container-name ${MY_CONTAINER_NAME} \
--auth-mode login | jq '.[].name'

Launching MinIO Azure Gateway

We will use a docker environment managed through the tool Docker Compose to run the following:

Step 1: Build Compose Environment with Storage Credentials

First we need to get extract the AccountName and AccountKey from the connection string. These will be configured values that MinIO Azure Gateway will use to access Azure Blob Storage.

You can download this script presented below and save this as

Similar to the steps before to create the Azure Blob, and adjusted for alternative values you chose, we can run the script with the following:

export MY_RESOURCE_GROUP=my-superfun-resources
export MY_STORAGE_ACCT=my0new0unique0storage

This will setup a .env that Docker Compose will use.

Step 1: Create Docker Compose Configuration

The following docker-compose.yml file is the configuration we can use for this small demo:


The environment variables MINIO_ACCESS_KEY and MINIO_SECRET_KEY that are defaults in the .env file are used to inject values in both containers at run time. The azure-gateway container will use these to configure itself as well as access the Azure Blob. The azure-client container will need these to configure access to the Azure Gateway.

Step 2: Create the Client Dockerfile

For the azure-client, we want to install the MinIO client tool as well as s3cmd tool. These can be used to access the gateway using S3 API. Download this Dockerfile:


Step 3: Create Entrypoint Script

Because the azure-client container needs access to the azure-gateway container when initially starting up, we can use an entrypoint script to inject some values. Download this

Step 4: Build and Run

With all of the files above in place, we should have a directory structure that looks like the following:

├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile

Now we can build the environment with the following command:

docker-compose build

Once completed, we can bring up the environment with:

docker-compose up --detach

You can verify that the containers are running with docker-compose ps. If the client did not come up, just run docker-compose up -d again.

Step 5: Test with MinIO Client and s3cmd

Using the environment variable we setup before for the container name, we can run the mc command inside the container with the following:

export MY_CONTAINER_NAME=storage-blob-test
docker exec --tty azure-client mc ls myazure/$MY_CONTAINER_NAME

Similarly, we can do the same with s3cmd and run from inside the container:

export MY_CONTAINER_NAME=storage-blob-test
docker exec --tty azure-client s3cmd ls s3://$MY_CONTAINER_NAME

Cleaning Up

Docker Environment

When finished, you can remove the locally running docker containers created with Docker Compose using the following:

docker-compose stop && docker-compose rm

Azure Cloud Resources

To delete all the resources we created, you can use this script below as

CAUTION: Only use this script for this tutorial. If you use this for other projects, you need to update the logic to not delete storage account or resource group if other resources reside in those containers. This script is tailored to cleanup resources created explicitly with the script above.

Using the same values we used with the creation of these resources (adjusted to your personal preferences):

export MY_RESOURCE_GROUP=my-superfun-resources
export MY_STORAGE_ACCT=my0new0unique0storage
export MY_CONTAINER_NAME=storage-blob-test


Source Code

Azure Docs

MinIO Server

Client Tools

Docker Stuff



This is my first article on topics related to Azure. I wanted to cover using object-stores this is by far the most often used cloud resource beyond instances (virtual machines) and containers.

I threw in some Docker usage as Docker is ubiquitous for local development environments and testing out new technologies, such as MinIO and Azure Blob.

